And that you install The Sims 3 Seasons (#8) LAST! Also, if you are having trouble install #1 (World Adventures) due to it not updating, simply skip to #2 (Ambitions) and go back to #1 afterwords.

Ensure that you install The Sims 3 (#0) FIRST. I've numbered the order of expansions and stuff packs in which they were released. I hope it makes things easier for every one!

I've made this compilation of all of the current Sims 3 expansion/stuff packs. Hello every one! I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR ANY OF THE GAMES / CRACKS ETC!! The only thing I've done is put them all together for ease of installation and made them all into ISO files. If you’ve ever wanted your little computer people of The Sims 3 to contemplate the dark corners of their lives, the Late Night expansion is your ticket to blood-pumping parties and blood-sucking brotherhoods. The Sims 3 All Expansions Packs is the collection of all expansion packs,stuff packs and neighborhoods.The game is carcked,therefore you don't need serial number or crack to install it.

The Sims 3 All In One Edition has been repeatedly tested and proved to work excellent on both platforms PC & MAC.